
The Finnis Scott Foundation Supports Future Trees Trust Research Woodland 

Future Trees Trust is delighted to receive grant funding of £4000 from The Finnis Scott Foundation, a Trust focused on grant-making in the areas of horticulture and plant sciences, as well as the exhibition, conservation and study of art.  

The grant will directly support the Future Trees Trust Craven Field Research Woodland. Superior oak trees, in great health, exhibiting improved growth and form were selected from across the country and will be planted in research trials and seed orchards on the 21-hectare site near Uffington, South Oxfordshire.  These superior trees are used to establish grafted seed orchards which produce improved seed, also known as Qualified Forest Reproductive Material (FRM). Trees grown from improved seed have faster growth and therefore have the ability to sequester more carbon. Their improved form means they can also be used in home-grown wood products that act as long-term carbon stores, an essential part of a multi-faceted approach to climate change. 

 The research woodland is also in partnership with the landowner, National Trust, who gifted Future Trees Trust a 50-year lease with the aim of making available the highest quality trees to the wider tree and woodland sector. 

Oak For Craven Field
2 year old Oak at nursery for planting out at Craven Field this winter