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Environmental Policy

Environmental Policy Statement

Future Trees Trust is a charity committed to researching and utilising UK forest genetic resources to support high-quality home-grown timber through the identification of superior trees and establishment of field trials. We design seed orchards that are genetically diverse and adapted to UK growing conditions to improve the quality and yield of broadleaved timber and make our resources available to all.

To help achieve this, we work with many diverse partners to establish this resource across Britain and Ireland. We recognise that in delivering these positive conservation benefits our work also has some adverse impacts on the environment. We are committed to reducing our environmental impact and continually improving our environmental performance as in integral part of our strategy and operating methods.

Our main environmental impacts arise from: greenhouse gas emissions from energy use and travel; the use of tree shelters and herbicides for successful tree establishment. To minimise our impacts on the environment, we have set ourselves the following objectives:

Reducing our environmental Impact

We will:

  • seek to reduce our energy consumption
  • car share wherever practically possible and hold meetings through online conference facilities to reduce our mileage
  • Seek to reduce our paper usage and use recycled paper
  • Seek alternatives to plastic tree guards and pledge to take all tubes off trials once established and recycle them
  • Reduce our herbicide usage and seek alternative solutions to tree establishment.


We will:

  • Comply with all relevant regulatory requirements
  • Continually improve and reduce environmental impacts
  • Advocate sustainability and, through our example and achievements, inspire and encourage others
  • Raise awareness of environmental issues among staff and encourage them to observe best practice
  • Select and work with corporate partners and suppliers towards achieving compliance with this policy
  • Manage our investments in a manner that supports the principles of socially responsible investing (SRI).


The CEO is responsible for ensuring that this environmental policy is implemented, however, all employees have a responsibility in their area to ensure that the aims and objectives of this policy are met. This policy has been endorsed by the Future Trees Trust Board of Trustees. Responsibility for its implementation lies with the CEO and every member of staff to advise on implementation and monitor progress. The policy and supporting management systems will be reviewed annually.

Approved by the Board of Future Trees Trust, 21st March 2022
First Approved March 2022
Reviewed and Approved March 2022
Next due for review March 2023