13 Scaled

Safeguarding Policy

The Trustees of FTT recognise that protecting people and safeguarding is a governance priority, as it should be for all charities. It is a fundamental part of operating FTT.

Equal Opportunities Statement

We recognise that anyone can become subject to discrimination, harassment, or victimisation because of age, culture, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation. Comments and actions that contribute to discrimination, harassment or victimisation are not acceptable and will be challenged. Such incidents will be recorded and reported to the relevant agencies when necessary and appropriate.

Trustees have a duty, whether working online or in person, to take reasonable steps to protect from harm people who come into contact with FTT. This includes:

  • people who benefit from our charity’s work
  • staff
  • volunteers
  • other people who come into contact with our charity through its work.

The Trustees will use their best efforts to follow guidance and the law and will take responsibility for putting things right. Trustees will promote an open and positive culture and ensure all involved feel able to report concerns, confident that they will be heard and responded to.

Trustees will make sure the charity:

  • has appropriate policies and procedures in place, which are followed by all trustees, staff, volunteers, beneficiaries and partners
  • checks that people are suitable to act in their roles
  • can spot and handle concerns in a full and open manner
  • has a clear intention of referring or reporting to relevant agencies as soon as concerns are suspected or identified
  • sets out risks and how they will be managed in a risk register which is regularly reviewed
  • follows statutory guidance, good practice guidance and legislation relevant to their charity
  • is quick to respond to concerns and carry out appropriate investigations
  • will not ignore harm or downplay failures
  • has trustees who work together on a balanced trustee board
  • ensures that protecting people from harm is central to its culture
  • works towards building sufficient and appropriate resources, including trained staff/volunteers/trustees for safeguarding and protecting people
    conducts periodic reviews of safeguarding policies, procedures and practices.


The Trustee Board is responsible for the review and ratification of Safeguarding policies
The Trustee responsible for oversight of safeguarding matters is John Leigh Pemberton
The Chief Executive Officer is responsible for the implementation of safeguarding practices, training and culture through rigorous induction for staff and Trustees (and where necessary on-going training), regular review of documentation, external support.

First Approved March 2022
Reviewed and Approved March 2022
Next due for review March 2023
Registered in England and Wales Charity no: 1103202 Future Trees Trust Safeguarding Policy