Supersizing Broadleaves is an innovative project investigating seed source, nursery stock production and tree establishment in the UK. It asks, ‘What happens when you take the best seed available, raise it with the best practice for the particular species and site, and establish it in the best possible way?’ Three trials were planted winter 2023/24 to investigate these questions using silver birch, sycamore and pedunculate oak. We have produced four monographs for the species included, and wild cherry, which cover basic silviculture, production and establishment of each species.

You can download these here:

Best practice prescriptions for propagating and establishing wild cherry (Prunus avium) for timber production

Best practice prescriptions for propagating and establishing sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus) for timber production

Best practice prescriptions for propagating and establishing pedunculate oak (Quercus robur) for timber production

Best practice prescriptions for propagating and establishing silver birch (Betula pendula) for timber production